Historic Building Souvenir Collection #21
Prices range from $85-$1,000
Contact for more information
Maxx Sizeler
Picking Up
The Pieces
See Time Capsule Project below
Sept. 8 ~ Oct. 9, 2007
Opening Reception
Saturday Sept. 8, 2007
Time Capsule Project
During the
opening, I will be preparing the burial of a Time Capsule on the
grounds of Barrister’s Gallery—to be re-opened in 2057. My intent is
for participants to write about their feelings and experiences
living in our post-Katrina environment. The messages will be wax sealed
in bottles which will then be encased in two metal containers.
1. Choose a bottle for your message (You can share a bottle with a friend.)
Large bottles $10.00 Smaller bottles $5.00
All the bottles were found in New
Orleans neighborhoods,
post-Katrina, and reflect different time periods
of the city.
All the proceeds will be given to the Lower 9th
Ward Health Clinic (www.l9hc.org/)
2. The messages will be hand written in the gallery on paper I will provide.
3. The GPS coordinates of
the Capsule will be recorded
with the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank
(www. Hurricanearchive.org/); however, to assure the survival of
your message, with your permission, I will photograph your message and
archive it on the same site, where it will be made publicly available
in 2057. If you’d rather not have it photographed, it will be sealed in
the bottle immediately.
Maxx Sizeler |