1724 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70113
(504) 525-2767 (6246)
Mon-Sat 10-5
Directions • Map
History of
Barrister's Gallery
"Barrister's Gallery of folk and ethnographic
art moved in July after 23 years at 526 Royal Street. The new space at
1724 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard is 10 times as large as the old French
Quarter landmark, allowing rotating exhibits of gallery artists, as well
as more breathing room for the Asian, African, and Oceanic art. But the
weird, claustrophobic, Twilight Zone atmosphere of the former location
will not be forgotten by the generations of artists it affected."
Times-Picayune, 1999

the old Barrister's
on Royal street
in the French Quarter
"...Barrister's has of late entered a Twilight Zone of
its own devise, a Gothic hyperspace on the far side... More than just a
gallery, it may have inadvertently become a kind of conceptual art
environment in its own right. And, unlike most such things, it is an
environment devoted to a concept that is ultimately beyond all concepts:
the ancient and eternal mysteries of this
planet and the cosmos -- as well as lots of other freaky, weird and far
out stuff."
-- D. Eric Bookhardt, Gambit, 1994

"Barrister's The heaven of hell on earth" Marilyn Manson
The move, while giving
both Andy and the art a bit of breathing space, hasn't changed the Gallery's
spirit. If anything, it's intensified it; he has carved out about 2,500
square feet for an exhibition space that gives him a wonderful opportunity,
every month, to mount new, unorthodox and original, frightening and
enlightening exhibitions by both fine and folk artists. And, as always, Andy
will continue to feature work by folks who are so far removed from the
accepted mainstream aesthetic that the term 'outsider artist' doesn't even
begin to describe their current location in space and time. "

Lawson was drawn to Barrister's for the inspiration. "It's like a living
museum," he explains. In the tiny space on Royal Street (as even now
in a cavernous warehouse in Central City), was a forest of African statues
and masks, an aviary of beaded flags and Mardi Gras Indian costumes, and
a multiplying bestiary of outsider art pieces.
Myrtle Von Damitz, Where
Y'at Magazine, Sept. 2000
As more and more beautiful things were spending too
much time in storage, and the artists represented all clamoring for
exhibition space, it became clear that it was time for Barrister's to move
to less congested quarters...
"Another writer from The New York Times said that Barrister's
brought to mind a 'Shaman's attic.' Part of that portrayal referred to
the wide-ranging collection of tribal art from
Indonesia, the Pacific Basin, the Americas, and the Caribbean. Those
who have visited the gallery know that it does look like a place where,
for centuries, people have been heaping up their talismans and totems a
time capsule into which ancient wizards and priestesses and modern day
medicine men and voodoo queens have been and still are stashing
everything that's important and real for future generations to find.
"However, it also accurately described a space that
was cramped, somewhat (to put it kindly) cluttered, and even a bit gloomy--in
the Gothic sense of the word. Of course all of that added to the ambiance
as much as it detracted from it. But finally, as more and more beautiful
things were spending too much time in storage, and the artists he represents
clamoring for exhibition space, it became clear that it was time for Barrister's
to move to less congested quarters."
"Andy clearly has an
eye that others are beginning to appreciate. Add to this an eclectic,
carefully selected, and ever-expanding assortment of the best primitive
and tribal work from around the globe, and you've got a gallery with real
art and soul."
Delio, contributing writer, Wired

Above and right, the new Barrister's Gallery location at
1724 Oretha C. Haley Blvd.

2,500 sq ft. of space in the new quarters
Matt James
