Art As Resistance;
Willie Birch, Jeffrey Cook, Denis Holt
and Paul Deo
October 2 thru November 22, 2004
What does found object
sculpture have to do with
hip-hop? They both "sample"
stuff that was already out
there. Some hip-hop tries to
"keep it real" by celebrating
moronic mayhem, but there can
also be moments of brilliance.
The Hip-Hop: Art as
Resistance show at
Barrister's alludes to all of
the above, starting with some
nice old Willie Birch
concoctions from the early
1990s, folk-artsy pastiches of
ghetto scenes dotted with lots
of obvious as well as obscure
references spelled out in
hand-scrawled text. The
graffitti-inspired abstractions
on cardboard by former break
dancer Jeff Cook are gorgeous,
somehow combining modernist
formalism with street culture
in works that mark a nexus
between Master P, Franz Kline
and Robert Motherwell. Paul
Deo's painted pastiches of
rappers, race heroes and con
artists (Bush is a pimp) can be
impressively electric, if not
always consistent, reflecting
the slippery, seething essence
of hip-hop. But Denis Holt's
abstract, graffiti-esque
ruminations capture something
grittier, darker and more
mysterious. Maybe Holt senses
that what really keeps
something real is not the outer
gesture itself but the inner
truth of the impulse behind it.
entire Gambit
Review by D. Eric
